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  • Writer's pictureJaden Grimm

A New Chapter: My Life at Vaganova Ballet Academy

Updated: Dec 1, 2019

I can’t believe two and a half months have flown by here at Vaganova Ballet Academy! It is so surreal to be training here. It still feels like a dream and sometimes I wake up and forget that I’m actually living in Russia! I am so grateful for this opportunity and all the challenges and experiences it has already given me. I can feel myself growing in so many ways and during the short time I've been here I have already made so many special memories. I am so excited to share my experience with you!


Let me take you all the way back to Day 1...

I was a bit nervous, but also very excited, going into my first day of classes at the academy. I didn’t know what level I would be placed in, what teacher I would have, or who my classmates would be. But, even with all that unknown, I felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be walking into the academy that first day.

I will always remember walking into the studio (which I was praying was the right one as I had know idea how to read the schedule!) and how instantly a bunch of Russian girls surrounded me, all so excited and intrigued at the idea of having a foreigner in their class. Once I clarified I was in the correct studio, some of them tried their best to ask me questions like where I was from and how old I was using the little English they had learned in their school classes. The conversation didn’t last long, as the teacher walked in and everyone ran to their places at the barre.

They weren’t sure what class I should be in yet, but they started me in the 4th class taught by Irina Zhelonkina. The character classes at the academy start in 4th class and they had explained that this way I wouldn’t start behind and would learn all the basics along with my classmates. I was only in that class for 3 days and on the 4th day I got a call from the international department informing me that the directors had decided to move me up to 5th class taught by Irina Badaeva. I have been in that class since and have had a wonderful 10 weeks! It has been challenging, but I feel myself getting stronger already! (More about my classes soon!)

The teacher doesn’t know much English and mostly corrects me hands-on or by demonstrating. The girls in my class mostly don’t know any English. Luckily, one girl in my class knows a little English and is very nice. She tries her best to translate when possible and to tell me when there is a schedule change or any important information I may have missed.

Speaking of the schedule, that was something I struggled with a lot during my first week here! Here are three pictures:

This one shows which studio the classes are in. There is a new one posted every day.

This one shows your daily class schedule.

And this is the rehearsal schedule. It shows which rehearsals are happening and the timing and location of each. And to make things more complicated, this schedule is written in cursive, which looks completely different than printed Russian! There is a new one posted every day, so you have to always make sure to check it daily!

Do those look confusing to you or is it just me?!

That’s one thing thing that I found surprising during my first week here. No one gave me a tour or was there telling me what my schedule was or where to go; I had to figure it all out on my own. I even missed gymnastics (stretch + strength) class my first day because I didn’t know about it! And you have to remember, I was here for a few weeks in the summer so I already had a basic understanding of where things were. I can’t imagine how confused people are who are here for the first time!

But within a week or so, I had everything mostly figured out and knew where I was going! Still, sometimes going through the academy feels like I’m going through a maze. The school is so big I don’t think I’ve even seen all of it!

Stay tuned for the next blog post where I give you a tour of the academy and show you the studios I dance in everyday!


Comment below what you are interested in hearing about! I have many new posts planned and will be more active as I am now finished with my semester of academic classes so I have more time!

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6 comentários

Jaden Grimm
Jaden Grimm
28 de dez. de 2019

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that this platform doesn't let me respond directly to your comments, but just know that I am seeing them and appreciate them! If you have any questions, I will do my best to answer them in upcoming posts. You can also DM me on Instagram (@jadengrimm) any questions you have regarding my blog.

Thank you,

Jaden 💕


05 de dez. de 2019

Hi Sweetheart, I just happened to run across your blog while looking at photo your Grandmother Lara sent me and figured out how to sign in. Looking forward to hear all about your experiences at the Academy and your daily schedule. Will talk to you soon and see you in Colorado at the end of the month. Very excited about seeing you. Love, Grandpa Bob


04 de dez. de 2019

So impressed with your blog Honey and so so proud of you! Love, Grandma lara


Heather Sabol
Heather Sabol
03 de dez. de 2019

I love this! Thank you so much for sharing your adventure with us. I can’t wait to read more!! 🤍 You’re awesome girly! Keep up the good work.


03 de dez. de 2019

I love your blog! It's actually so interesting to see your point of view of the academy:) something I would yo see is a what I eat in a day since I thing it would be very inspiring and a day in your life at vba (how many hours you have...)

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